AMBI activities

  • Operating an information line, support and advice for people who stutter, their families, and the general public.

  • Visiting families, in order to explain what stuttering is, what it is not, and suggesting ways to manage successfully with and despite stuttering.

  • Educational activities, through which we give lectures to educators, schoolchildren, speech therapists, parent's coaches, and more.

  • Support for parents of children who stutter through the Facebook group for parents

  • Support for families with young people who stutter through the "Friends" initiatives, in the context of which we organize events for families

  • Running the main AMBI Facebook group for people who stutter, their families and the general public, where we publish information about events, personal stories, and information about stuttering

  • Running the website

  • Holding events to mark International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD)

  • Conducting lectures on a variety of topics related to stuttering

  • Conducting workshops for people who stutter, such as workshops based on Byron Katie's "The Work"

  • Contact with organizations of people who stutter around the world, including membership in the International Stuttering Association

AMBI messages

… to People Who Stutter (PWS)
  • If you are a person who stutters you are not alone. There are many like us and we can help each other. We will show the world that a person who stutters is a normal human being.
… to the general public
  • Stuttering is not a sign of being stupid, abnormal or incapable. Stuttering is a speech problem only! All we are asking is a bit of patience.
… to employers
  • When you are pondering employing a person who stutters, evaluate his skills. Don't reject him because of stuttering. You may lose an excellent worker.
… to those looking for a mate
  • The stuttering person you meet, may be your ideal mate! Give it a chance.