AMBI activities
Operating an information line, support and advice for people who stutter, their families, and the general public.
Visiting families, in order to explain what stuttering is, what it is not, and suggesting ways to manage successfully with and despite stuttering.
Educational activities, through which we give lectures to educators, schoolchildren, speech therapists, parent's coaches, and more.
Support for parents of children who stutter through the Facebook group for parents
Support for families with young people who stutter through the "Friends" initiatives, in the context of which we organize events for families
Running the main AMBI Facebook group for people who stutter, their families and the general public, where we publish information about events, personal stories, and information about stuttering
Running the website
Holding events to mark International Stuttering Awareness Day (ISAD)
Conducting lectures on a variety of topics related to stuttering
Conducting workshops for people who stutter, such as workshops based on Byron Katie's "The Work"
Contact with organizations of people who stutter around the world, including membership in the International Stuttering Association
AMBI messages
- If you are a person who stutters you are not alone. There are many like us and we can help each other. We will show the world that a person who stutters is a normal human being.
- Stuttering is not a sign of being stupid, abnormal or incapable. Stuttering is a speech problem only! All we are asking is a bit of patience.
- When you are pondering employing a person who stutters, evaluate his skills. Don't reject him because of stuttering. You may lose an excellent worker.